Grades and Attendance
Attendance Policy Summary
Regular and punctual attendance is vital to your child’s progress. Washington State law required that children attend school. We are required, by law, to track absences and identify them as excused and unexcused.
PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCE should be planned for non-school days. If there is a special reason for an absence on a school day (e.g. family trip, family emergency), please notify our Attendance Specialist at or (425) 456-6611.
If your absence will be more 3 or more days please have your student deliver a completed Pre-Arranged Absence Form to the Office at least one week prior to the absence.
Your student’s teachers will review your situation to determine whether the absence will adversely affect your student’s learning. Based on this information, the principal/assistant principal will determine whether the absence will be excused or unexcused. Students may be approved for five days of (5) prearranged absences per school year. Failure to follow procedure will result in an unexcused absence.
EXCUSED ABSENCES include illness, healthcare appointments, religious observances and family emergencies.
MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS: When your child returns from an excused absence, the teacher will provide make-up assignments, as appropriate. Make-up assignments are not provided in advance.
UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: State law requires that we follow specific steps for unexcused student absences, including parent conferencing. Students who have ten unexcused absences fall under the BECCA law and must be referred to the courts.
Any other missed days moving forward for non-school reasons or those outside the VALID EXCUSE POLICY will be unexcused absences.