Student Resources
College and Career
- Naviance
- BigFuture College Search
- O*Net Career Interest Profiler
- College Bound Scholarship FAQs
- What 6th graders need to know about college
- What 7th graders need to know about college
- What 8th graders need to know about college
Something is Rude when it is unintentionally hurtful, and only happens once.
Something is Mean when it is intentionally hurtful, and only happens once.
Something is Bullying when it is intentionally hurtful, and it continues even after you have told them to stop.
If you are being bullied, please see your counselor or another trusted adult at Odle.
Help Talking to Your Parents
- GLSEN Washington
- BGLAD support group for youth ages 13-19 offered through Youth Eastside Services